Thursday, February 14, 2008


My friend who chooses to remain anonymous describes life in B-schools.

In a presentation do I sit,
Listening to some stupid git,
Droning on and on about some shit,
But then, I realise, he's paid to do this bit.

Rambling about performance and strategy,
We hear of networks and mis-alignments.
Exposure to leadership and colleagues,
I wonder if they too have assignments.

Disease management he says,
Is the next big thing in coming days.
'Managing' a cough, a cold or a pain in the rear,
Is that the burden I now have to bear?

Saturday, February 9, 2008


This is not a "grook" but I kinda liked it and hence publishing it.
My friend Bhardwaj's brother Ramakanth (an Indian Army soldier) wrote it.

Tell Mother not to cry and weep;
My wounds that she sees are not so deep,
And tell her that I accomplished my task
And now its time for me to sleep.

They came from all sides; left and right,
I could hardly see them; it was a moonless night,
And then everything became bright,
It was within me 'My Mother' the burning light.

Mother you gave all joys of life to me,
And together all joys of life did we see,
But its another thing to be,
I'd rather choose to die than flee.

I had no bullets left; and so useless was my gun,
But there was still a lot to be done,
I know you would never want your son leave his land,
For life he should run?

So be it Mom; here I lie dead,
But for years to come it shall be said,
That no enemy on our land;
Shall ever tread.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Devil's Snare

This is a contribution from my friend Lakshmi who was very tempted to write the moment she saw our blog :D
She also chose to name it after something in the Harry Potter book as you can see !!

In a world of masks, its hard to see
what's real and what's not
but then there is a worse place to be
when you throw away what you have got

And then to realize it was not a snare
but a true spirit free and kind
you sought to see what's not there
after all the devil is in the mind!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


This one's from my colleague, who chooses to remain anonymous(again), with due apologies to Piet Hein for mangling his T.T.T:

Put up in a place
where it's easy to see
the cryptic comforter

When you feel how depressingly
low life is and how people can be crass,
it's well to remember that
This Too Shall Pass.


A good one from "the bekku"!

Sometimes the effort itself is its own reward
Just like the journey matters
And not always the destination
For it’s only when you run and you run
In front of dawns yet another horizon
And you realise you haven’t yet begun……..

Monday, February 4, 2008

Wheel of time

This one's from my friend Bhardwaj: It doesn't rhyme, but the bloke doesn't want it to rhyme! (did that rhyme?!)

Today is painful,
Yet every Tomorrow, I think Yesterday was better!

Playful days...

This one's from my colleague who chose to remain anonymous... she calls herself an EDA hater.

When its time to play,
I'm ready for it any day.
But when its time to study,
My mind turns fuzzy!

Why is it my book fails to grip me,
Is obvious for all to see -
Its title is "Microlithography"
A more boring one there cannot be!

And so, despite hours with the book

All I got was this little grook!

My Life

This one popped up in my head on a train journey from Mumbai to Bangalore where I was desperately trying to utilize the time in order to study something related to something that i was "supposed" to study. However hard I tried, it just wouldn't happen. Here's a dedication to that !!

When the time comes to play,
I always feel happy and gay.
But, when the time comes to study
the whole mind goes fully muddy.

There is hardly any concentration
and a complete lack of interest
After every five minutes,
the mind begs for thirty minutes rest.

Why do you think I'm writing this grook?
Because my eyes hardly look at the book.

Since this is the first one we are posting, please bear with the standards of the posts.
I'm sure we'll improve given the time.

Getting started...

A random conversation between Nitin(henceforth called Bhatta) and his cubicle neighbour Manu.....

Manu: Do you read poems?
Bhatta: Poems???!! GOD! Noo....

Two minutes later, Bhatta gets a mail from Manu with the subject line "Grooks by Piet-Hein", which is to change the lives of Bhatta and Jitha forever.....
The first grook went thus:

A psychological tip*

Whenever you're called on to make up your mind
and you're hampered by not having any,
the best way to solve the dilemma, you'll find
is simply by spinning a penny.

No - not so that chance shall decide the affair
while you're passively standing there moping;
but the moment the penny is up in the air
you suddenly know what you're hoping.

Immediately, Bhatta lets Jitha know what grooks are and Jitha, just as jobless as Bhatta is, comes up with the eye-popping idea of writing grooks of their own!
Hence starts the tale of two innocent lives.. Bhatta and Jitha... and a blog...

Henceforth most of the grooks in the blog will be self-composed. Due credit will be given to the appropriate person, living or dead, whenever and wherever 'inspiration' or 'ideas' are taken from him/her.
Anyone reading the blog is welcome to come up with grooks and your name will be duly published!